A will provides instructions for the collection, division, and distribution of your assets at death. It nominates a personal representative (or “executor”) to carry out your directions.
While the proper execution of a will with witnesses and a notary is an important part of the process, the contents of the will is equally important. We often encounter drafting mistakes and unintended consequences in self-prepared wills, internet form wills, or even wills prepared by attorneys who do not focus their practice in estate planning. These problems can be avoided by enlisting an experienced estate planning attorney to prepare your will. Our experience with thousands of estate plans and with probate administration leads us to ask the appropriate questions and address important contingencies. We strive to prepare a will that will endure life’s events and conform to your intentions, even as circumstances change.
A will, in itself, does not avoid the need for a probate proceeding. Probate in Colorado, however, is an often a simplified administrative process. Therefore, probate avoidance may not be the most important goal in your estate plan. We will educate you on all of your options and help you arrive at a cost-effective estate plan that makes sense for you.